Founded in 1997, O/E LAND Inc. specializes in manufacturing of vast variety of Fiber Bragg Gratings, for which it has full CRC/UTC Fiber Bragg Grating Technologies license. Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) are not only available as a stand-alone products, but also available are different types of optical sensors, based on FBGs.The company also offers a wide range of Broadband and Laser light sources, including Continuous wave (CW) and Supercontinuum sources, Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) lasers and ultra-fast Pulsed lasers, covering different spectral regions.O/E LAND Inc. is also capable of providing fiber- and micro-optics, as well as opto-electronics components, products and services. Our philosophy is to serve our customers with high-quality, but yet affordable products