Optometrics is a leading supplier of wavelength selection solutions including standard and custom optical components and pre-aligned sub-assemblies. The company’s core technologies include mechanical ruling, holographic recording, photolithography, and optical thin film coatings. From diffraction gratings to polarizers, beamsplitters to monochromators, and coatings to filters, it maintains an excellent reputation for supplying spectrally precise equipment.
An ISO 9001:2015 and ITAR certified company, Optometrics brings R&D, engineering and manufacturing under one roof. With a catalog of more than 400 optical gratings masters ready for immediate replication and a deeper archive thousands strong, capacity to produce 500,000+ precision replicated optical components annually, and robust in-house metrology services for precision and environmental durability, Optometrics is the go-to partner for custom and OEM photonics applications.