The AOMO 3100-125 from G&H is a TeO2 Acousto-Optic Modulator (AOM) that operates at a wavelength of 470 nm - 690 nm. It has a center frequency of 100 MHz and an acoustic velocity of 4.2 mm/μs. This vertically polarized AOM has an AR coating with a maximum reflectivity of 1%. It has a rise time of 159 ns, an RF bandwidth of 25 MHz (at -10 dB return loss), and a nominal input impedance of 50 Ohms. This AOM has a maximum voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of 1.3 :1 at the center frequency (Fc) and a maximum insertion loss of 4%.
The AOMO 3100-125 has a beam separation angle of 11.2 mrad (at 470 nm), 12.6 mrad (at 532 nm), 15 mrad (at 633 nm) & 16.4 mrad (at 690) with an active aperture area of 2.5 (L) X 1.5 (H) mm. It can handle saturation RF power of 0.4 W (at 470 nm), 0.6 W (at 532 nm), 0.9 W (at 633 nm) & 1.1 W (at 690 nm) and has a diffraction efficiency of 85 %. This AOM has an optical power density of 250 W/mm2 and a minimum contrast ratio of 1000 :1. It is available in a package that measures 2 x 1 x 0.53 inches.