The SC2336 from SmartSens Technology is a 2 Megapixel CMOS Image Sensor that has a resolution of 1928 (H) x 1088 (V) pixels. It has a rolling shutter in a 1/3" optical format that delivers a frame rate of up to 30 fps (1920 (H) x 1080(V)). This sensor has a pixel size of 2.7 µm x 2.7 µm and sensitivity of 6594 mV/lux·s. It has a dynamic range of 74 dB, CRA of 12 deg, and signal-to-noise ratio of 36 dB. This sensor uses DSI-2 technology to increase sensitivity and PixGain technology to support high gain & low gain. It can be controlled via 10-bit DVP or 10/8 bit 1/2 lane MIPI output interfaces and supports RAW RGB output format. This camera requires a DC power supply of 2.8 V ± 0.1 V (analog) & 1.8 V ± 0.1 V (I/O) and is available in a 35-pin CSP package that measures 5.718 mm x 3.663 mm. It is ideal for surveillance cameras, smart home cameras, and sports cameras.