The EYP-TPA-0980-00500-3006-CMT03-0000 from TOPTICA eagleyard is a Tapered Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA) that operates at a wavelength of 980 nm. It delivers an output power above 0.5 W and has a gain width (FWHM) of 30 nm. This TE-polarized SOA has an astigmatism of 625 µm and a cavity length of 2750 µm. It has an input aperture (at rear side) of 3 µm and output aperture (at front side) of 190 µm. This SOA has a reflectivity of 3.1 - 4 and temperature coefficient of wavelength of 0.3 nm/K. It consumes up to 1.8 A of current and dissipates over 10 mW of power. This SOA is available in a C-mount package that measures 6.35 mm x 7.25 mm x 2.85 mm and is ideal for quantum technology, spectroscopy & metrology applications.