The TOLD9200 from Meredith Instruments is an InGaAlP Laser Diode that operates at a wavelength of 670 nm. It delivers a continuous wave output power of 3 mW and has a beam divergence of 34 degrees (vertical far-field) and 7 degrees (horizontal far-field). This gain-guided laser diode has a maximum photodiode dark current of 100 nA and total capacitance of 20 pF (at 1 MHz). It has a built-in photodiode for monitoring the laser output with a reverse voltage of 30 V. This free-space laser diode has a threshold current of 70 mA and reverse voltage of 2 V. It requires a DC supply voltage of 2.3 V and consumes 75 mA of current. This laser diode is available in a 9 mm TO-9 package that measures Ø 9 mm x 11.4 mm and is ideal for automatic power control (APC) circuit applications.