The Jasper Micro from Fluence Technology is a Femtosecond Fiber Laser that operates at a wavelength of 1030 nm. It delivers a maximum average output power of 7 W and has a wavelength accuracy of ± 5 nm. This laser has a pulse duration of less than 270 fs and maximum pulse energy of 5 μJ. It has a repetition rate of 20 MHz ± 2 MHz (base) and 1 MHz - 20 MHz (two stage). This linearly or vertically polarized laser produces a beam of diameter 2.5 ± 0.5 mm and has a beam quality factor (M2) of up to 1.2.
The Jasper Micro integrates an external analog modulation and gating trigger. It has a laser control software and features pulse on demand with an optional burst mode. This laser requires an AC supply voltage of 100 V - 240 V and dissipates less than 300 W of power. It is available in compact 4U 19” rack package that measures 400 (L) mm x 280 (W) mm x 116 (H) mm and is ideal for ultrafast micromachining, two-photon polymerization, femtosecond ablation, ophthalmology, OEM integration applications.