The Cobolt Tor XE 532 nm from HÜBNER Photonics is a Q-switched Diode-Pumped Laser that operates at a wavelength of 532 nm. It provides a peak power of over 75 kW with a long-term stability of up to 3%. This spatial mode (TEM00) laser delivers a pulse energy of 250 μJ with pulse width up to 2 ns and repetition rate from single pulse to 1 kHz controlled via an external or internal trigger. It produces a beam of diameter 0.4 mm with beam divergence of 5 mrad and an M2 factor less than 1.3. This linearly and vertically polarized laser requires a DC supply of 12 V and consumes 6.67 A of current. It can be controlled via a USB interface.
The Cobolt Tor XE 532 nm is based on proprietary HTCure technology and offers exceptional robustness and reliability making it suitable for OEM integration into demanding environments. It is available in a compact sealed laser head module that measures 50 x 70 x 144 mm and SMB connectors. It is an ideal light source for LIBS, micro-dissection, MALDI-TOF, range-finding, Raman-LIDAR, micro-machining, laser marking, photoacoustics and other industrial & scientific applications.