The LGI-XXX-CX-DXX-XX-DC24-A from Lumispot Tech is a Continuous Wave or Pulsed Laser that operates at a wavelength of 808 nm (Continuous Wave) or 915 nm (Pulse). It delivers an output power of 15 W (CW) or 13 W (Pulse) and has a wavelength variation range of ± 10 nm. This single laser line source has a linewidth of 0.5 mm - 2 mm and sector angle degrees of 15 deg, 30 deg, 60 deg, 90 deg, or 110 deg. It features light spot uniformity and has a TTL laser control mode with 485 communication protocols. This laser requires a DC supply voltage of 12 V - 24 V and dissipates less than 36 W of power. It is available in a compact module that measures 106 mm x 90 mm x 55 mm and is ideal for 3D reconstruction, road surface detection, railway track, vehicle & pantograph detection, industrial detection & logistics volume detection applications.