The LION from Norlase is an LIO (Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope) and Green Semiconductor Laser that operates at a wavelength of 520 nm (treatment beam) and 635 nm (aiming beam). It produces a pulsed output power of up to 1000 mW (treatment beam) and less than 1 mW (aiming beam). This fully integrated laser has pulse durations of 10 - 1000 ms and intervals of 50 - 3000 ms.
The LION is a Class IV laser built using ultra-compact laser technology and has a built-in laser source, self-contained fibers with an untethered design. It uses a rechargeable battery that provides hours of continuous use and can be controlled via voice control & a wireless touchscreen user interface. This laser has laser & control electronics residing in the LION headset and is designed for portable laser treatment solutions.