The Colibri-532 (1064) from Passat is a Solid-State Diode-Pumped Sub-Nanosecond Laser that delivers short pulses at repetition rates of 70 to 100 kHz and average power up to 40 mW (1064 nm) or 20mW (532nm). It provides a pulse energy of 0.6µJ (70 kHz) to 0.4µJ (100 kHz) at 1064 nm and 0.3µJ (70 kHz) to 0.2 µJ (100 kHz) at 532 nm. The laser head measuring 100 x 81 x 63 mm, can be front or bottom mounted, is air-cooled and thermally stabilized and requires only one electrical connection to the small power supply. It is ideal for micromachining, distance measurements, remote sensing, and scientific research applications.