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The KAUKAS 3_OEM from RPMC Lasers Inc. is a Diode Pumped Solid State (DPSS) Laser that operates at a wavelength of 1534 nm. It delivers an average power of 0.003 W and has a pulse width of 8 ns. This nanosecond pulsed laser has a repetition rate from single shot to 1 Hz and pulse energy of 3000 µJ. It has a TEM00 spatial mode with a beam quality factor (M2) of 2 and an energy stability of less than 3%. This laser is available in a compact & customizable module and can be integrated into portable devices. It is ideal for LiDAR, laser ranging, Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), metrology, and instrumentation applications.
632.8 nm Helium-Neon Laser for Microscopy & Spectroscopy Applications
532 nm Nanosecond Laser for Marking & Laser Ranging Applications
527 nm Green CW Laser for Scientific & Machine Vision Applications
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