The FX Series from Solar Laser Systems is a Yb-doped Femtosecond Solid-State Pulsed Laser that operates at 1040 nm. It delivers an average output power of 1 W and has a power stability of ±1 %. The laser produces pulse energy of 15 nJ and has a pulse repetition rate of 70 MHz. It has a pulse duration of less than 200 fs and requires an AC supply from 100-240 V for operation.
The Yb-doped KYW crystals used inside this laser allow the diode to directly pump and eliminate the necessity of an intermediary pump laser used in traditional Ti: Sapphire lasers. It is available in a module that measures 670 x 220 x 155 mm and is ideal for femtosecond spectroscopy, nonlinear spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, high harmonics generation, multiphoton microscopy, and terahertz generation & detection applications.