The Talon Ace UV100 from MKS | Spectra-Physics is a Pulsed Nanosecond Laser that operate at wavelengths of 343 nm. It delivers an average output power of greater than 100 W and has a pulse energy above 500 μJ. This laser has a beam-pointing stability of up to 25 μrad/oC and pulse repetition rate of less than 5 MHz. It has a pulse width of less than 2 ns - 50 ns (at FWHM) and pulse-to-pulse energy stability of 3%.
The Talon Ace UV100 produces a beam of diameter 5 ± 0.5 mm and has a beam asymmetry of up to 1.1. It has a full-angle beam divergence of less than 0.2 mrad and boresight tolerance of ±0.5 mm. This vertically polarised laser has a TEM00 spatial mode with beam quality factor (M2) below 1.3 and polarization extinction ratio above 100:1.
The Talon Ace UV100 requires an AC supply voltage of 190 V - 240 V and consumes up to 2000 W of power. It is available in a standard package that measures 850 (L) mm x 358 (W) mm x 246 (H) mm and is ideal for flex PCB cutting & drilling, advanced electronics packaging, cutting & drilling, photovoltaics processing, LED processing, OLED drilling & lift-off, Li-ion battery processing, Through Glass Via (TGV) drilling, high-speed marking, CFRP cutting, drilling and surface texturing applications.