The FemtoFiber ultra 920 from TOPTICA Photonics is a Femtosecond Fiber Laser that operates at a wavelength of 920 nm. It delivers an average output power above 1.5 W and has a pulse duration of less than 100 fs & repetition rate of 80 MHz. This linearly & vertically polarized laser has a polarization extinction ratio of 100:1 and beam quality factor (M2) of up to 1.2. It has a TEM00 spatial mode and produces a beam of size 1 mm with beam divergence below 1 mrad.
The FemtoFiber ultra 920 has a motorized dispersion precompensation (GDD) from -40000 fs² to 1000 fs² and an integrated power control above 1 MHz AOM modulation bandwidth (optional). It has a free space output coupling, fully turn-key with integrated AOM & GDD, and uses Clean Pulse technology. This laser is available in compact design that measures 300 (L) mm x 165 (W) mm x 77 (H) mm and is ideal for two-photon microscopy applications.