The Optoscan from Cairn Research is a Czerny-Turner Monochromator that has a wavelength resolution of 300 nm - 800 nm. It has a 1200 line ruled grating blazed for broad UV/visible range, 1800 and 2000 line holographic gratings for demanding applications. This device can also be controlled directly using analog signals and has an integral fast electronic shutter on all models. The Optoscan can be used with 75W and 150W Xe lamps and this device has sub-millisecond control of center wavelength with microsecond precision and the sub-millisecond bandwidth control allows spectral and intensity optimization at each wavelength. It has an external iris diaphragm for manual intensity control and the modular design enables users to remove the light source and can be used independently as a white light source if required. This monochromator is available in a 230 x 180 x 180 (mm) modular package and is ideal for ratiometric photometry, fluorescence imaging, and optical scanning applications.