The VODL from KYLIA is a Variable Optic Delay Line that has a delay range of 100 ps - 12 ns. This delay line has 3 versions, manual version (with 100 ps delay range), manual or piloted version (with 300 or 600 ps delay range), and motorized actuator version (with 3 ns, 6 ns, 9 ns, or 12 ns delay range). It operates at a wavelength from 1520 nm to 1650 nm. This ODL has an insertion loss of 0.5 dB to 2 dB and an optical return loss of less than 35 dB. It has a polarization-dependent loss of up to 0.3 dB and a minimum polarization extinction ratio of 20 dB.
The VODL delay line has manual sensitivity of up to 1.3 ps/turn for 100 ps optical delay, 15 fs for a 300 ps optical delay, and 30 fs for 600 ps optical delay. It is available in a module with a connector package that measures 100 x 32 x 28 mm for 100 ps optical delay, 216 x 92 x 40 mm for 300 ps & 600 ps, and 750 x 400 x 129 mm for a delay range of 3 ns - 12 ns. This delay line is ideal for integration in IL attenuation and delay tuning.