The 88-408 from Edmund Optics is a 0.4 Megapixel CCD Color Analog Camera that has a resolution of 976 (H) x 494 (V) pixels. It has a 1/3" optical format and pixel size of 4.9 μm x  6.9 μm. This interlaced CCD camera has a sensing area of 4.8 mm x 3.4 mm and exposure time of 1/60 s - 1/100000 s (auto/manual). It features internal synchronization, back panel interface port orientation, and NTSC signal format. This CCD camera requires a DC supply voltage of 12 V and consumes power of 2.5 W. It supports analog, BNC, Y-C connectors and is RoHS compliant. This CCD camera is available in a C/CS-mount full housing that measures 51.6 mm x 41 mm x 41 mm.