The Syncerity BI-NIR from HORIBA is a Back-Illuminated CCD Camera that has a resolution of 2048 x 70 pixels. It has a pixel size of 14 μm x 14 μm and an image area of 28.7 mm x 0.98 mm with a fill factor of 100%. This camera has a quantum efficiency of 60% (at 500 nm), 80% (at 600 nm), 80% (at 800 nm), 68% (at 900 nm), 42% (at 1000 nm), and 20% (at 1075 nm). It has a 16-bit ADC with a dynamic range of 55,500:1 and scan rates of 45 kHz & 500 kHz. This camera has a single-pixel well capacity of 60,000 e-/pixel and serial register full well capacity of 500,000 e-/pixel. It has a non-linearity of 0.15% (at 45 kHz) & 0.2% (at 500 kHz) and dark current of 0.05 e-/pixel/sec.
The Syncerity BI-NIR has a readout noise of 9 e- (at 45 kHz) & 20 e- (at 500 kHz) and maximum spectral rate of 20 Hz (at 45 kHz) & 189 Hz (at 500 kHz). It can be controlled via a USB 2.0 interface and supports 32-bit or 64-bit Windows (XP, Vista & 7) operating systems. This camera requires an AC supply voltage of 90 V - 264 V and consumes up to 6.44 A of current. It is available in an ultra-compact package that measures 112.8 mm x 112.8 mm x 124 mm and is ideal for use on microscopes, low light level detection in spectroscopy & OEM applications.