The SPAD512S from Pi Imaging is a Single-Photon Camera that has a resolution of 512 (H) x 512 (V) pixels. It has a global shutter that delivers a frame rate of 100’000 fps (at 1 bit for 1 s), 5000 fps (at 4 bit semi-continuous), and 400 fps (at 8-bit continuous). This camera has a pixel pitch of 16.38 µm x 16.38 µm and pixel percentage of 1.5%. It has a Single-Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) image sensor with wavelength range of 400 nm - 900 nm and an exposure rise/fall time of 350 ps or 150 ps.
The SPAD512S has a maximum pixel count rate of 167 Mcps (with exposure modulation & 400 Mcps with response linearization) and 100 kcps (without exposure modulation & 240 kcps with response linearization). It has a fill factor with microlenses above 50 % (for collimated light) and peak photon detection probability of 50% (at 520 nm). This camera has a median dark count rate of up to 25 cps and minimum gate width of 6 ns & shift of 17 ps.
The SPAD512S enables 1-bit, 4-bit and 6 - 12-bit (time-gated) imaging modes and phasor FLIM processing. It can be controlled via USB3 & TCP/IP interfaces for easy integration into LabVIEW, MATLAB, or Python. This camera requires a DC supply voltage of 5 V and is available in a package that measures 147 mm x 105 mm. It has a C-mount lens and is ideal for widefield fluorescence lifetime imaging and high-speed imaging applications.