The ASP-75 from Avesta Ltd. is a Czerny-Turner Compact Multipurpose Spectrometer that has a spectral range from 190 to 1100 nm. It has a spectrum region width of 40 - 950 nm with a high resolution down to 0.05 nm. The unit features a special fiber input with a spectral slit, the size of which is conditioned by the detector. It allows the measurement of either free-space or fiber signals without any realignment. However, it is not recommended to use fiber to measure the spectrum of a femtosecond laser due to signal modulation and subsequent spectrum distortion.
The ASP-75 has a CCD array that delivers 1024, 2048, and 3648 pixels. It has a pixel width of 8 - 25 μm and pixel height of 200 - 500 μm. The simplicity of the design allows combining broad spectral range and high resolution with more than compact size. It is available in compact packaging that measures 126 x 68 x 53 mm with SMA or FC connectors. This device can be used in various space-demanding applications and also for OEM integration in any device.