The FLS980 from Edinburgh Instruments is a fully automated, modular fluorescence spectrometer that operates from 200 nm to 5500 nm in the deep ultraviolet to near-infrared spectral range. This spectrometer is supplied with computer-controlled, triple grating turret monochromators, with up to three different gratings permanently fitted. Two detectors with independent exit slits can be mounted on a single emission monochromator (three on double emission monochromator). Single photon counting PMTs are available to cover the wavelength range from 200 nm to 1700 nm, while analog detectors extend the wavelength range to beyond 5000 nm. A signal-to-noise ratio of over 25,000:1 for the Water Raman Spectrum under standard measurement conditions is guaranteed. This sensitivity allows the spectra of weak dye solutions (< 100 fM) to be routinely measured. An optional upgrade to the sensitivity is available that takes the signal-to-noise ratio to over 35,000:1.
It has an USB interface and all modes of operation are controlled by ONE data acquisition module and ONE all-inclusive F980 software package for data acquisition and analysis. The Light source, detector, grating, slits, polarizers are all computer-controlled for accurate and precise measurements. The spectrometer can be configured to include one, two or three operational modes. The available options are - Steady State Mode, a Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) mode and a Multi-channel scaling (MCS) mode. Fluorescence lifetimes are typically measured by TCSPC, whereas phosphorescence lifetimes are typically measured by MCS. This spectrometer is ideal for both fundamental research and routine laboratory applications.