The S41-II from STANDA is a Spectrometer that has a spectral range from 390 nm to 780 nm. It has a spectral resolution of 1.7 - 2.5 nm and an ADC resolution of 14 bits (16384 counts). This spectrometer has an F/number of 1:6 and a minimum exposure time of 1 ms. It has an entrance slit that measures 0.04 x 3 mm and diffraction grating with 600 lines/mm. This spectrometer has a wavelength accuracy of ±0.9 and an SMA-905 fiber optic connector.
The S41-II has a built-in detector that is based on the S8378-512Q Hamamatsu linear image sensor and has 512 pixels with a 12.8 mm active area. It can be controlled via a USB interface and is compatible with Windows 98/ME/2000/XP operating systems. This spectrometer is available in a compact module package that measures 129 x 78 x 53 mm and is ideal for spectral analysis of light sources, spectrometric research, and analysis of object coloring applications.