The 11WFS-prime from STANDA is a Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor that operates at a spectral range of 400 nm - 1100 nm. It has a camera resolution of 744 x 480 pixels in a 1/3" optical format that delivers a frame rate of 60 Hz. This wavefront sensor has an aperture dimension of 4.5 mm x 2.8 mm (6.4 mm x 4.8 mm) with a wavefront accuracy of wavelength/10 and dynamic range of wavelength*50. It has 30 x 18 (42 x 32) micro lenses with array pitch of 0.15 mm and focal length of 6 mm. This wavefront sensor features Real-Time Measurements and uses graphical windows. It is available in a package that measures 70 mm x 55 mm x 55 mm and is ideal for scientific research, educational and research laboratories, industrial concerns of producing laser systems & laser machine tools, optical testing, and medical therapy & diagnostics centers applications.