Optical Amplifiers

699 Optical Amplifiers from 53 manufacturers listed on GoPhotonics

Optical Amplifier is a device that amplifies optical signals traveling through a fiber optic cable. Optical Amplifiers from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Download datasheets and request quotes for products that you find interesting. Your inquiry will be directed to the manufacturer and their distributors in your region.

Description: Single frequency erbium amplifiers
Wavelength Range:
1540 to 1565 nm, 1570 to 1605 nm (L-Band)
Output Power:
20 W
Output Type:
Amplifier Type:
Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)
Fiber Mode:
Single Mode
Supply Voltage (AC):
100 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz single-phase
Package Type:
Benchtop / Rackmount
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Description: 780 to 820 nm Benchtop Pulsed Ultrafast Ti:Sapphire Amplifier
Output Power:
>16 W
Output Type:
Amplifier Type:
Ultrafast Amplifier
Package Type:
Benchtop / Rackmount
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Description: 1530 to 1565 nm Benchtop CW, Pulsed Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier
>40 dB
Noise Figure:
<6 dB
Output Type:
CW, Pulsed
Amplifier Type:
Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)
Fiber Mode:
Single Mode
Supply Voltage (AC):
100 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz
Package Type:
Benchtop / Rackmount
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Description: Tapered, semiconductor optical amplifier
21 dB
Output Power:
Output Type:
Amplifier Type:
Tapered Amplifier, Semiconductor Optical Amplifier...
Package Type:
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Description: 1460 nm - 1500 nm, S-Band TDFA for Telecom Network Applications
Wavelength Range:
1460 to 1500 nm
>19 dB
Noise Figure:
<7 dB
Output Power:
>19 dBm
Output Type:
Amplifier Type:
TDFA Amplifier, Booster Optical Amplifier (BOA), I...
Control Mode:
Automatic Current Control (ACC), Automatic Level C...
Fiber Mode:
Single Mode
Supply Voltage (AC):
100 to 240 VAC, 50/60Hz
Package Type:
Benchtop / Rackmount
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Description: 910 nm Butterfly CW Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
20 to 28 dB (fiber)
Noise Figure:
7 to 9 dB
Output Power:
5 dBm
Output Type:
Amplifier Type:
Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA)
Fiber Mode:
Single Mode
Package Type:
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Description: Fixe gain optical amplifier
Wavelength Range:
1528 to 1567 nm
Noise Figure:
<5.5 dB
Output Power:
Up to 25 dBm
Output Type:
Amplifier Type:
Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)
Supply Voltage (DC):
3.3 to 5 V
Package Type:
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Description: 1064 nm Module Pigtailed, Benchtop CW Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier
20 dB
Output Power:
27 dBm
Output Type:
Amplifier Type:
Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (YDFA)
Control Mode:
Constant Current Control (CCC)
Fiber Mode:
Polarization Maintaining
Supply Voltage (DC):
5 V
Package Type:
Pigtailed Module, Benchtop / Rackmount
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Description: 1550 nm Non-Polarization Maintaining Erbium-Doped Fiber Benchtop Amplifier
Wavelength Range:
1530 to 1565 nm
Noise Figure:
<6.5 dB
Output Power:
30 dBm
Output Type:
Amplifier Type:
Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)
Supply Voltage (AC):
85 to 264 VAC / 47 to 63 Hz
FC/APC, 9-pin D-sub connector
Package Type:
Benchtop / Rackmount
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Description: 10W CW Fiber Amplifier
Wavelength Range:
2100 nm
Output Power:
5 W
Output Type:
Control Mode:
Automatic Current Control (ACC)
Fiber Mode:
Single Mode, Polarization Maintaining
Supply Voltage (AC):
110 to 220 V
Package Type:
Benchtop / Rackmount
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Description: Dwdm edfa amplification solutions
8 to 22 dB (Booster), 5 to 22 dB (Inline), 20 dB (...
Noise Figure:
4 to 6 dB
Output Power:
Up to 23 dBm (Booster), Up to 23 dBm (Inline), Up ...
Output Type:
Amplifier Type:
Booster Optical Amplifier (BOA), In-Line Amplifier...
Control Mode:
Automatic Gain Control (AGC), Automatic Power Cont...
Fiber Mode:
Single Mode
Supply Voltage (AC):
90 to 246 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Supply Voltage (DC):
-60 to -36 VDC
Package Type:
Benchtop / Rackmount
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Description: 950 to 990 nm Butterfly CW, Pulsed Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
Wavelength Range:
968 nm
15 to 20 dB (fiber)
Noise Figure:
6 dB
Output Power:
6 mW
Output Type:
CW, Pulsed
Amplifier Type:
Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA)
Fiber Mode:
Single Mode
Supply Voltage (DC):
1.94 V(Operating)
Package Type:
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Description: O-band optical amplifier (PDFA) 100g to 400g
Wavelength Range:
1280 to 1320 nm
40 dB
Noise Figure:
<7 dB
Output Power:
>20 dBm
Output Type:
Amplifier Type:
PDFA Amplifier, Booster Optical Amplifier (BOA), I...
Control Mode:
Automatic Current Control (ACC), Automatic Level C...
Fiber Mode:
Single Mode
Supply Voltage (AC):
100 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz
Package Type:
Benchtop / Rackmount
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Description: Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
Wavelength Range:
1528 to 1569 nm
<25 to 35 dB
Noise Figure:
<5.2 to 5.5 dB
Output Type:
Amplifier Type:
Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)
Control Mode:
Automatic Gain Control (AGC), Automatic Power Cont...
Package Type:
Benchtop / Rackmount
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Description: Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
Wavelength Range:
1290 to 1330 nm / 1523 to 1568 nm
20 dB(Fiber-to-Fiber)
Output Power:
1.6 to 2 mW
Output Type:
Amplifier Type:
Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA)
Fiber Mode:
Single Mode, Polarization Maintaining
Package Type:
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1 - 15 of 699 Optical Amplifiers

What is an Optical Amplifier?

Optical Amplifiers are devices that amplify optical signals transmitted through optical fibers without converting them to electrical signals. They play a crucial role in long-distance optical communication systems, allowing signals to travel over long distances without losing strength. The optical fibers are usually glass fibers that are doped with rare earth ions such as erbium, neodymium, ytterbium, praseodymium, or thulium. This active dopant is pumped with a laser such as a fiber-coupled diode laser. The pumped light propagates through the fiber core together with the signal to be amplified. Optical amplifiers are widely used in telecommunications, cable television, and data transmission, as well as in scientific research and medicine. Figure 1 shows a simple optical amplifier diagram.

Figure 1: Simple diagram of an optical amplifier

An optical fiber transmission system uses multiple communication devices, like optical transmitters and receivers. The transmission loss of light passing through the optical fiber is very small (less than 0.2 dB per km) within a light wavelength of 1,550 nm. But for long-distance transmission, the transmission loss is higher. Since the length of the optical fiber is stretched at distance as long as 10 km or 100 km, the transmission loss is amplified. In this case, the light signal propagating a long distance through optical fiber becomes extremely weak. Hence it is necessary to amplify the light using an optical amplifier. An optical amplifier is inserted at specific locations where the signals are weak to boost optical signals in a communication system. These boosted signals can be successfully transmitted through the fiber optic cable. In large networks, a series of optical amplifiers are placed in a sequence to cover the entire network link. There are different types of optical amplifiers: 

  • Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)
  • Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA)
  • Fiber Raman Amplifier (FRA)
  • Optical Parametric Amplifier (OPA)
  • Benchtop Amplifier
  • CYFA Amplifier 
  • Power Amplifier
  • Tapered Amplifier 
  • TDFA Amplifier
  • Travelling Wave Amplifier
  • Ultrafast Amplifier
  • YDFA Amplifier

Applications of Optical Amplifier

Optical amplifiers are mostly used in optical fiber communications over large distances, where signals need to be amplified. In optical fiber communications, light from a fiber can be easily sent into an optical amplifier and the amplified light can be sent into further transmission fiber. High-power optical amplifiers are used in laser material processing. EDFAs are used in metro and access networks to amplify signals for distribution to multiple users and in scientific research, particularly in spectroscopy.

Optical amplifiers can amplify ultrashort light pulses. Such amplifiers store a considerable amount of energy, which can then be released as an intense pulse within short durations. Short pulse durations of 100 fs or less are possible due to the considerable gain bandwidth, which is the maximum amount of data transmitted over an internet connection in a given amount of time.

Raman amplifiers are typically used in optical communications systems, such as fiber-optic networks. They are particularly useful in long-haul and ultra-long-haul communications systems, where the signal losses due to attenuation and dispersion are significant. Raman amplifiers can be used to amplify signals over distances of up to several thousand kilometers, making them a key component in the development of high-capacity optical networks.

Semiconductor optical amplifiers can be used in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems, optical switching, and sensing. In WDM systems, multiple optical signals are transmitted over a single optical fiber, and SOAs are used to amplify each signal at a specific wavelength. In addition, SOAs can be used in optical switching applications, where they are used to control the flow of optical signals in a network. They can also be used in sensing applications, where they are used to detect changes in the intensity of an optical signal.

Gophotonics has listed Optical Amplifiers from the leading companies. Use the parametric search tool to find products based on your requirements.

Optical Amplifier Manufacturers



Manufacturers from 

Wavelength Range (nm)  


Gain (dB)  


Output Power (dBm)  


Noise Figure (dB)  


Output Type 

Polarization Dependancy 

Supply Voltage (DC) (V)  


Package Type 

