Fiber Optic Receivers - LD-PD Inc

30 Fiber Optic Receivers from LD-PD Inc meet your specification.

Fiber Optic Receivers from LD-PD Inc are listed on GoPhotonics. We have compiled a list of Fiber Optic Receivers from the LD-PD Inc website/catalog and made their products searchable by specification. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirements. Download datasheets and request quotes for products that you find interesting. Your inquiry will be directed to LD-PD Inc and their distributors in your region.

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  • Manufacturer : LD-PD Inc
Description: 1510 nm - 1590 nm, Fiber Optic Receiver for Spectrometry Applications
Optical Connector:
Fiber Modes:
Single Mode
Wavelength Range:
1510 to 1590 nm
Optical Power:
<5 mW (Local), 300 µW (Signal)
Supply Voltage:
5 V
Supply Current:
0.5 A
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Description: 300M Ultra-Low Noise Polarization Diversity Coherent Receiver
Optical Connector:
Fiber Modes:
Single Mode
Wavelength Range:
1510 to 1590 nm
Optical Power:
<5 mW (Local), 300 µW (Signal)
Supply Voltage:
5 V
Supply Current:
0.5 A
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Description: 2.5G Polarization Diversity Coherent Receiver
Optical Connector:
Fiber Modes:
Single Mode
Wavelength Range:
1510 to 1590 nm
Optical Power:
<5 mW (Local), 300 µW (Signal)
Supply Voltage:
12 V
Supply Current:
0.5 A
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Description: 2G Ultra-Low Noise Polarization Diversity Coherent Receiver
Optical Connector:
Fiber Modes:
Single Mode
Wavelength Range:
1510 to 1590 nm
Optical Power:
<5 mW (Local), 300 µW (Signal)
Supply Voltage:
12 V
Supply Current:
0.5 A
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Description: 1.5G Ultra-Low Noise Polarization Diversity Coherent Receiver
Optical Connector:
Fiber Modes:
Single Mode
Wavelength Range:
1510 to 1590 nm
Optical Power:
<5 mW (Local), 300 µW (Signal)
Supply Voltage:
12 V
Supply Current:
0.5 A
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Description: 800M Ultra-Low Noise Polarization Diversity Coherent Receiver
Optical Connector:
Fiber Modes:
Single Mode
Wavelength Range:
1510 to 1590 nm
Optical Power:
<5 mW (Local), 300 µW (Signal)
Supply Voltage:
12 V
Supply Current:
0.5 A
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Description: 500M Ultra-Low Noise Polarization Diversity Coherent Receiver
Optical Connector:
Fiber Modes:
Single Mode
Wavelength Range:
1510 to 1590 nm
Optical Power:
<5 mW (Local), 300 µW (Signal)
Supply Voltage:
12 V
Supply Current:
0.5 A
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Description: 100M Ultra-Low Noise Polarization Diversity Coherent Receiver
Optical Connector:
Fiber Modes:
Single Mode
Wavelength Range:
1510 to 1590 nm
Optical Power:
<5 mW (Local), 300 µW (Signal)
Supply Voltage:
5 V
Supply Current:
0.5 A
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Description: 100M Weak Signal Coherent Receiver Module
Optical Connector:
Fiber Modes:
Single Mode
Wavelength Range:
1525 to 1565 nm
Optical Power:
<7 dBm (Local), -50 dBm (Signal)
Supply Voltage:
5 V
Supply Current:
3 A
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Description: 200M DVS Coherent Receiver Module
Optical Connector:
Fiber Modes:
Single Mode
Wavelength Range:
800 to 1700 nm
Optical Power:
<5 mW (Local), 300 µW (Signal)
Supply Voltage:
5 V
Supply Current:
0.5 A
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1 - 10 of 30 Fiber Optic Receivers
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  • Manufacturer : LD-PD Inc

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Photodiode Type 

Photodiode Semiconductor 

Data Rate (Mbps)  

Detector Sensitivity (dBm)  

Wavelength Range (nm)  

Optical Power (dBm)  

Optical Connector 

Fiber Modes 

Supply Voltage (V)  

Supply Current (mA)