Fiber Optic Transceivers - Lumentum Operations LLC
35 Fiber Optic Transceivers from Lumentum Operations LLC meet your specification.
Fiber Optic Transceivers from Lumentum Operations LLC are listed on GoPhotonics. We have compiled a list of Fiber Optic Transceivers from the Lumentum Operations LLC website/catalog and made their products searchable by specification. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirements. Download datasheets and request quotes for products that you find interesting. Your inquiry will be directed to Lumentum Operations LLC and their distributors in your region.
Selected Filters Reset All Manufacturer : Lumentum Operations LLC
Description: CFP4 LR4 Optical Transceiver with 100 Gigabit Ethernet for up to 10 km Reach
1296 to 1305 nm
Data Rate:
103.125 Gb/s to 111.81 Gb/s
Output Power:
-10.6 to 4.5 dBm
Rx Power:
-10.6 to 4.5 dBm
Tx Power:
-4.3 to 4.5 dBm
Tx/Rx Component:
Receiver Sensitivity:
-10.3 to -8.4 dBm
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Description: RoHS-Compliant 4.25, 2.125, 1.063 Gbps 850 nm SFP Transceiver
840 to 860 nm
0.35 km(350 m)
Data Rate:
1 to 4.25 Gb/s
Output Power:
-9 to 0 dBm
Receiver Sensitivity:
-17.45 dBm to -12.15 dBm(18 to 61 µW)
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Description: QSFP28 CWDM4 Optical Transceiver - Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems
1296 to 1305 nm
Tx/Rx Component:
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Description: QSFP+ 40 G LR4 Optical Transceiver - 1310 nm CWDM for up to 10 km Reach
Output Power:
-13.7 to 8.3 dBm
Rx Power:
-13.7 to 2.3 dBm
Receiver Sensitivity:
-10.8 to -11.5 dBm
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Description: Tunable SFP+ Optical Transceiver with Limiting Electrical Interface JST Series
Data Rate:
9.95 to 11.3 Gb/s
Output Power:
-18 to 3 dBm
Receiver Sensitivity:
-23 to -21 dBm
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Description: RoHS-Compliant 4.25, 2.125, 1.25, 1.0625 Gbps 850 nm SFP Transceiver
840 to 860 nm
0.35 km(350 m)
Data Rate:
1 to 4.25 Gb/s
Output Power:
-9 to 0 dBm
Receiver Sensitivity:
-17.45 dBm to -12.15 dBm(18 to 61 µW)
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Description: QSFP+ 40 G SR4 Optical Transceiver - 850 nm for up to 100 m Reach (JQP Series)
Output Power:
-7.6 to 8.4 dBm
Rx Power:
-3.5 to 8.4 dBm
Receiver Sensitivity:
-5.4 to -7.8 dBm
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Description: 8.5 G SFP+ 850 nm Limiting Transceiver, 8 Gigabit Fibre Channel Compliant
840 to 860 nm
0.15 km(150 m)
Output Power:
-8.2 to 0 dBm
Receiver Sensitivity:
-11.19 dBm to -8.21 dBm(76 to 151 µW)
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Description: CFP2 LR4 Optical Transceiver with 100 Gigabit Ethernet for up to 10 km Reach
1296 to 1309 nm
Data Rate:
103.125 Gb/s to 111.81 Gb/s
Output Power:
-10.6 to 4.5 dBm
Rx Power:
-10.6 to 4.5 dBm
Tx Power:
-4.3 to 4.5 dBm
Tx/Rx Component:
Receiver Sensitivity:
-8.6 to -8.4 dBm
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Description: 10 G SFP+ 850 nm Limiting Transceiver, 10 Gigabit Ethernet Compliant (PLRXPL-Sx-S43-22-N Series)
840 to 860 nm
0.3 km(300 m)
Data Rate:
10.3125 to 10.52 Gb/s
Output Power:
-7.3 to 1 dBm
Receiver Sensitivity:
11.1 to -7.5 dBm
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1 - 10 of 35 Fiber Optic Transceivers
Fiber Optic Transceiver companies
Selected Filters Reset All Manufacturer : Lumentum Operations LLC
../../54fiber_optic_transceiversFiber Optic Transceiverssform_factor:expand,sconnector:expand,ssfiber_modes:expandsform_factor:multiple,sconnector:multiple,ssfiber_modes:singlesform_factor:Form Factor,sconnector:Connector,ssfiber_modes:Fiber Modesstransceiver_data_rate:expand,sdistance:expand,stransceiver_wavelength:expand,stransceiver_output_power:expand,sreceiver_sensitivity:expandstransceiver_data_rate:3359,sdistance:3354,stransceiver_wavelength:3339,stransceiver_output_power:3344,sreceiver_sensitivity:3351{"stransceiver_data_rate":"or","sdistance":"or","stransceiver_wavelength":"or","stransceiver_output_power":"or","sform_factor":"or","sconnector":"or","ssfiber_modes":"or","sreceiver_sensitivity":"or"}stransceiver_data_rate:Gb/s,sdistance:km,stransceiver_wavelength:nm,stransceiver_output_power:dBm,sreceiver_sensitivity:dBm
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