Monochromators - TOPAG Lasertechnik GmbH
5 Monochromators from TOPAG Lasertechnik GmbH meet your specification.
Monochromators from TOPAG Lasertechnik GmbH are listed on GoPhotonics. We have compiled a list of Monochromators from the TOPAG Lasertechnik GmbH website/catalog and made their products searchable by specification. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirements. Download datasheets and request quotes for products that you find interesting. Your inquiry will be directed to TOPAG Lasertechnik GmbH and their distributors in your region.
Selected Filters Reset All Manufacturer : TOPAG Lasertechnik GmbH
Description: 190 nm - 1200 nm, Compact Automated Monochromator for Fluorescence & Raman Spectroscopy
Monochromator Type:
UV Monochromator
High-aperture short-focus Monochromator
Wavelength Range:
190 to 1200 nm
Linear Dispersion:
18.7 to 37.4 nm/mm
Blaze Wavelength:
270 to 700 nm
Gratings lines/mm:
600 to 1200 lines/mm
Slit Width:
0.02 to 1.0 mm
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Description: The M266 is our general-purpose high-aperture instrument with high line quality and low stray light performance, featuring 284mm focus and 30x10mm flat field.
Monochromator Type:
UV Monochromator
Optimized Czerny-Turner with one input and two out...
Wavelength Range:
180 to 360 nm
Linear Dispersion:
1.58 to 12.64 nm/mm
Blaze Wavelength:
225 to 2000 nm
Gratings lines/mm:
300 to 2400 lines/mm
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Description: M833 Standard version is a unique high-aperture double dispersive monochromator/spectrograph whose compact design combines high spectral resolution intrinsic for
long-focus devices and extremely low s...
Monochromator Type:
UV Monochromator
optimized Czerny-Turner with double dispersion
Wavelength Range:
180 to 4800 nm
Linear Dispersion:
0.39 to 3.12 nm/mm
Blaze Wavelength:
225 to 2000 nm
Gratings lines/mm:
300 to 2400 lines/mm
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Description: The M150 is a low-cost short-focus instrument, flexible and multifunctional, featuring a unique combination of performance specifications and equipped with all the options essential for large-size spe...
Monochromator Type:
NIR Monochromator
Optimized Czerny-Turner with one optical input and...
Wavelength Range:
19 to 3600 nm
Linear Dispersion:
3.2 to 68 nm/mm
Blaze Wavelength:
270 to 1500 nm
Gratings lines/mm:
100 to 1800 lines/mm
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Description: Czerny-Turner Double Monochromator for Raman & Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Monochromator Type:
Double Monochromator
Wavelength Range:
190 to 2600 nm
Focal Length:
130 to 142 mm
Linear Dispersion:
5.8 to 11.6 nm/mm
Blaze Wavelength:
280 to 1500 nm
Grating Groove Density:
600 to 1200 G/mm
Slit Resolution:
0.07 to 0.14 nm
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1 - 5 of 5 Monochromators
Monochromator companies
../../51monochromatorsMonochromatorsssconfiguration:expand,smonochromator_type:expandssconfiguration:single,smonochromator_type:singlessconfiguration:Configuration,smonochromator_type:Monochromator Typesfocal_length:expand,swavelength_range:expand,slinear_dispersion:expandsfocal_length:3096,swavelength_range:3093,slinear_dispersion:3151{"ssconfiguration":"or","smonochromator_type":"or","sfocal_length":"or","swavelength_range":"or","slinear_dispersion":"or"}sfocal_length:mm,swavelength_range:nm,slinear_dispersion:nm/mm
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