Pockels Cell Drivers - Vigitek

11 Pockels Cell Drivers from Vigitek meet your specification.

Pockels Cell Drivers from Vigitek are listed on GoPhotonics. We have compiled a list of Pockels Cell Drivers from the Vigitek website/catalog and made their products searchable by specification. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirements. Download datasheets and request quotes for products that you find interesting. Your inquiry will be directed to Vigitek and their distributors in your region.

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  • Manufacturer : Vigitek
Description: 2800 V - 3800 V, EO Pockels Cell Driver for Q-Switched Laser Heads
Output Voltage Amplitude:
2.8 to 3.8 kV
Supply Voltage(DC):
5 to 12 V
Repetition Rate:
2 kHz (4.6 mm), 5 kHz (9.2 mm)
Pulse Width:
0.5 to 2 µs
Fall Time:
2 to 4 µs (Falling Front Duration)
Load Capacitance:
50 pF
Trigger Voltage:
3 to 12 V
Rise Time:
2 to 4 ns (Rising Front Duration)
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Description: 2800 V - 3800 V, EO Pockels Cell Driver for Q-Switched Laser Heads
Output Voltage Amplitude:
2.8 to 3.8 kV
Output Type:
Supply Voltage(DC):
4.5 to 7.5 V (DC Voltage)
Repetition Rate:
2 kHz (4.6 mm), 5 kHz (9.2 mm)
Pulse Width:
0.5 to 2 µs
Fall Time:
1 to 2 µs
Load Capacitance:
40 pF
Trigger Voltage:
3 to 12 V
Rise Time:
1 to 2 ns
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Description: 2 to 6 kV 20 kHz 100 pF Pockel cell driver
Output Voltage Amplitude:
2 to 6 kV
Medical and Industrial laser equipment, electro-op...
Supply Voltage(DC):
5 to 15 V
Repetition Rate:
20 kHz
Pulse Width:
0.2 to 2 µs
Fall Time:
0.2 to 0.5 µs
Load Capacitance:
100 pF
Trigger Voltage:
3 to 15 V
Rise Time:
3 to 8 ns
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Description: 3.6 to 5.8 kV 2000 Hz 4 to 10 pF Pockel cell driver
Output Voltage Amplitude:
3.6 to 5.8 kV
Supply Voltage(DC):
12 VDC (8 to 16 VDC)
Repetition Rate:
2000 Hz
Pulse Width:
2 to 600 ns
Fall Time:
1 to 3 ns
Load Capacitance:
4 to 10 pF
Trigger Voltage:
5 V (4.5 to 5.5 V)
Rise Time:
1 to 3 ns
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Description: 2.6 to 3.8 kV 2000 Hz 4 to 10 pF Pockel cell driver
Output Voltage Amplitude:
2.6 to 3.8 kV
Supply Voltage(DC):
12 VDC (8 to 16 VDC)
Repetition Rate:
2000 Hz
Pulse Width:
2 to 600 ns
Fall Time:
1 to 3 ns
Load Capacitance:
4 to 10 pF
Trigger Voltage:
5 V (4.5 to 5.5 V)
Rise Time:
1 to 3 ns
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Description: 1.8 to 2.8 kV 2000 Hz 4 to 10 pF Pockel cell driver
Output Voltage Amplitude:
1.8 to 2.8 kV
Supply Voltage(DC):
12 VDC (8 to 16 VDC)
Repetition Rate:
2000 Hz
Pulse Width:
2 to 600 ns
Fall Time:
1 to 3 ns
Load Capacitance:
4 to 10 pF
Trigger Voltage:
5 V (4.5 to 5.5 V)
Rise Time:
1 to 3 ns
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Description: 1.3 to 2 kV 2000 Hz 4 to 10 pF Pockel cell driver
Output Voltage Amplitude:
1.3 to 2 kV
Supply Voltage(DC):
12 VDC (8 to 16 VDC)
Repetition Rate:
2000 Hz
Pulse Width:
2 to 600 ns
Fall Time:
1 to 3 ns
Load Capacitance:
4 to 10 pF
Trigger Voltage:
5 V (4.5 to 5.5 V)
Rise Time:
1 to 3 ns
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Description: 2.8 to 7.2 kV 1000 Hz 4 to 12 pF Pockel cell driver
Output Voltage Amplitude:
2.8 to 7.2 kV
Supply Voltage(DC):
12 VDC (8 to 16 VDC)
Repetition Rate:
1000 Hz
Pulse Width:
first step: 2 to 600 ns, second step: 1000 ns
Load Capacitance:
4 to 12 pF
Trigger Voltage:
5 V (4.5 to 5.5 V)
Rise Time:
1 to 3 ns
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Description: 3 to 4.2 kV Fast: 2 to 4 ns, Slow: 5 to 10 ns 100 Hz 10 pF Bipolar Pockel cell driver
Output Voltage Amplitude:
3 to 4.2 kV
Output Type:
Supply Voltage(DC):
10.8 to 13.2 V (12 V)
Repetition Rate:
100 Hz
Pulse Width:
0.5 to 1 µs
Fall Time:
3 to 6 µs
Load Capacitance:
10 pF
Trigger Voltage:
3 to 12 V (±5 V)
Rise Time:
Fast: 2 to 4 ns, Slow: 5 to 10 ns
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Description: 4.8 to 6.1 kV Fast: 1 to 3 ns, Slow: 4 to 12 ns 500 Hz 30 pF Bipolar Pockel cell driver
Output Voltage Amplitude:
4.8 to 6.1 kV
Output Type:
Supply Voltage(DC):
10.8 to 13.2 V (12 V)
Repetition Rate:
500 Hz
Pulse Width:
0.6 to 1.2 µs
Fall Time:
6 to 20 µs
Load Capacitance:
30 pF
Trigger Voltage:
3 to 12 V (±5 V)
Rise Time:
Fast: 1 to 3 ns, Slow: 4 to 12 ns
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1 - 10 of 11 Pockels Cell Drivers
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  • Manufacturer : Vigitek

Manufacturers from 

Crystal Material 

Output Voltage Amplitude (kV)  

Supply Voltage(DC) (V)  

Trigger Voltage (V)  

Output Type 

Pulse Width (ns)  

Repetition Rate (kHz)  

Fall Time (ns)  

Rise Time (ns)  

Load Capacitance (pF)