Spectrometers - Raman Spectroscopy
294 Spectrometers from 36 Manufacturers meet your specification.
Selected Filters Reset All Measuring Techniques : Raman Spectroscopy
Description: 830 to 1000 nm wavelength, NIR spectrometer for Raman Spectroscopy with 5 to 7 cm-1 spectral resolution
Description: Qmini deepUV-Miniature USB spectrometer for enhanced UV measurements from 185 to 375 nm
Spectrometer Type:
Portable, Modular
Measuring Techniques:
UV Spectroscopy, CCD Spectroscopy, Raman Spectrosc...
Wavelength Range:
185 to 375 nm
Spectral Resolution:
0.5 nm
Integration Time:
0.000003 to 600 sec (Exposure time)
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Description: 200 to 2500 cm-1 wavelength, IR spectrometer for Raman Spectroscopy with 8 to 12 cm-1 spectral resolution
Description: Versatile, Compact Benchtop Spectrograph
Spectrometer Type:
Measuring Techniques:
Absorbance, Transmission, Reflectance, Raman Spect...
Wavelength Range:
300 nm, 500 nm
Spectral Resolution:
0.08 to 1.57 nm
Spectrum Band:
10, 25, 50, 100, 200 µm (Fixed), 10 µm to 3 mm (Ad...
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Description: 200 to 1100 nm wavelength, UV-VIS-NIR spectrometer for Raman Spectroscopy, Absorbance, Fluorescence Spectroscopy with 0.1 nm spectral resolution
Spectrometer Type:
Measuring Techniques:
Raman Spectroscopy, Absorbance, Fluorescence Spect...
Wavelength Range:
200 to 1100 nm
Spectral Resolution:
0.1 nm
Spectrum Band:
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Description: 224.3 to 248.6 nm wavelength, UV spectrometer for Raman Spectroscopy, UV Spectroscopy with 0.2 nm spectral resolution
Spectrometer Type:
Measuring Techniques:
Raman Spectroscopy, UV Spectroscopy
Wavelength Range:
224.3 to 248.6 nm
Spectral Resolution:
0.2 nm
125 µm to 2.4 mm
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Description: 400 to 2300 cm-1 wavelength, NIR spectrometer for Raman Spectroscopy, NIR Spectroscopy with 8 to 10 cm-1 spectral resolution
Description: 200 to 900 nm High dynamic range spectrometer with Benchtop package
Spectrometer Type:
Measuring Techniques:
Raman Spectroscopy, Color Measurement, Reflectance...
Wavelength Range:
200 to 900 nm
Spectral Resolution:
0.85 to 0.9 nm
Integration Time:
100 µs to 32.7 s (Exposure time)
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Description: 785 nm wavelength, NIR Spectrograph for Raman Spectroscopy, CCD Spectroscopy
Description: 7800 to 350 cm-1 wavelength, IR spectrometer for Raman Spectroscopy with 0.7 cm-1 spectral resolution
1 - 10 of 294 Spectrometers
Spectrometer companies
../../44spectrometersSpectrometerssspectrometer_type:expand,smeasuring_techniques:expand,sspectrum_band:expandsspectrometer_type:single,smeasuring_techniques:single,sspectrum_band:singlesspectrometer_type:Spectrometer Type,smeasuring_techniques:Measuring Techniques,sspectrum_band:Spectrum Bandswavelength_range:expand,sspectral_resolution:expandswavelength_range:2274,sspectral_resolution:2311{"sspectrometer_type":"or","smeasuring_techniques":"or","swavelength_range":"or","sspectral_resolution":"or","sspectrum_band":"or"}swavelength_range:nm,sspectral_resolution:nmyes
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