The AGM-406A3 from IntraAction Corp. is a Single-Crystal Germanium Acousto-Optic Frequency Shifter (AOFS) that operates at a wavelength of 3.39 μm. It has an optical frequency shift range of 30 MHz - 50 MHz and acoustic velocity of 5.5 mm / μsec. This AOFS has a modulation -3dB bandwidth of 825 kHz and beam separation of 24.7 mrad. It has a Bragg angle of 12.3 mrad and diffraction efficiency of 70%. This AOFS has an RF center frequency of 40 MHz and RF input impedance of 50 Ohms. It has an optical insertion loss of up to 7% and optical power capability of 25 W (full aperture). This AOFS has an active aperture height of 6 mm and optical rise time of 582 nsec (at 5 mm diameter). It requires an RF drive power of 6 W and has a parallel to base laser polarization. This AOFS supports a BNC connector and is available in a package that measures 7.5 (L) cm x 3.3 (W) cm x 3.1 (H) cm.