Pockels Cell Drivers

253 Pockels Cell Drivers from 13 manufacturers listed on GoPhotonics

Pockels Cell Drivers are electronic devices designed to control Pockels cells, which are electro-optic devices used to modulate the phase or polarization state of light. Pockels Cell Drivers from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Download datasheets and request quotes for products that you find interesting. Your inquiry will be directed to the manufacturer and their distributors in your region.

Description: 3.6 to 3.6 kV 250 kHz 100 to 5000 ns Pockel cell driver
Output Voltage Amplitude:
3.6 to 3.6 kV
Supply Voltage(DC):
12 to 24 VDC
Repetition Rate:
250 kHz
Pulse Width:
100 to 5000 ns
Fall Time:
<7 ns
Rise Time:
<7 ns
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Description: 0 to 6 kV 10 to 15 ns 10 kHz 6 to 10 pF Bipolar Pockel cell driver
Crystal Material:
Beta Barium Borate (BBO)
Output Voltage Amplitude:
0 to 6 kV
Output Type:
Repetition Rate:
10 kHz
Pulse Width:
100 ns to 5 µs
Fall Time:
10 to 15 ns
Load Capacitance:
6 to 10 pF
Rise Time:
10 to 15 ns
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Description: 3.6 to 3.6 kV 1 MHz BBO, RTP, KD*P, CdTe crystal, Pockel cell driver
Crystal Material:
Beta Barium Borate (BBO), Rubidium Titanyle Phosph...
Output Voltage Amplitude:
3.6 to 3.6 kV
Supply Voltage(DC):
24 VDC ±1 V
Repetition Rate:
1 MHz
Pulse Width:
15 ns
Trigger Voltage:
3.5 to 5 V
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Description: 1.8 to 2.8 kV 1000 Hz 4 to 10 pF Pockel cell driver
Output Voltage Amplitude:
1.8 to 2.8 kV
Supply Voltage(DC):
12 ± 4 VDC
Repetition Rate:
1000 Hz
Pulse Width:
2 to 600 ns
Fall Time:
2 ± 1 ns
Load Capacitance:
4 to 10 pF
Trigger Voltage:
5 ± 0.5 V
Rise Time:
2 ± 1 ns
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Description: 2 kV - 3.2 kV, Solid-State Pockels Cell Driver for Industrial Applications
Output Voltage Amplitude:
2 to 3.2 kV
Medical and industrial Applications
Output Type:
Supply Voltage(DC):
12 VDC ±0.5 V
Repetition Rate:
Up to <30 Hz
Pulse Width:
>300 ns to 25 µs
Load Capacitance:
23 pF
Rise Time:
<30 ns
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Description: 2.4 to 6 kV <20 ns Up to 100 kHz 23 pF Bipolar, Pull-down Pockel cell driver
Crystal Material:
Beta Barium Borate (BBO), Potassium Dihydrogen Pho...
Output Voltage Amplitude:
2.4 to 6 kV
Output Type:
Bi-Polar, Pull-Down
Repetition Rate:
Up to 100 kHz
Fall Time:
<20 ns
Load Capacitance:
23 pF
Working Mode:
Pull-Down, Internal synchronization mode, external...
Rise Time:
<20 ns
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Description: 1.2 to 4 kV 1 to 50 Hz 30 pF Pockel cell driver
Output Voltage Amplitude:
1.2 to 4 kV
Medical lasers, Industrial lasers, Etching/marking
Supply Voltage(DC):
15 to 18 VDC
Repetition Rate:
1 to 50 Hz
Pulse Width:
100 ns to 10 ms
Fall Time:
<10 ns
Load Capacitance:
30 pF
Trigger Voltage:
4 to 10 V
Rise Time:
1 to 5 µs
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Description: 2800 V - 3800 V, EO Pockels Cell Driver for Q-Switched Laser Heads
Output Voltage Amplitude:
2.8 to 3.8 kV
Supply Voltage(DC):
5 to 12 V
Repetition Rate:
2 kHz (4.6 mm), 5 kHz (9.2 mm)
Pulse Width:
0.5 to 2 µs
Fall Time:
2 to 4 µs (Falling Front Duration)
Load Capacitance:
50 pF
Trigger Voltage:
3 to 12 V
Rise Time:
2 to 4 ns (Rising Front Duration)
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Description: 1.5 to 1.5 kV 400 kHz 100 to 5000 ns Pockel cell driver
Output Voltage Amplitude:
1.5 to 1.5 kV
Supply Voltage(DC):
12 to 24 VDC
Repetition Rate:
400 kHz
Pulse Width:
100 to 5000 ns
Fall Time:
<5.5 ns
Rise Time:
<5.5 ns
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Description: 0 to 6 kV 10 to 15 ns 150 kHz 6 to 10 pF Bipolar Pockel cell driver
Crystal Material:
Beta Barium Borate (BBO)
Output Voltage Amplitude:
0 to 6 kV
Output Type:
Repetition Rate:
150 kHz
Pulse Width:
100 ns to 5 µs
Fall Time:
10 to 15 ns
Load Capacitance:
6 to 10 pF
Rise Time:
10 to 15 ns
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1 - 10 of 253 Pockels Cell Drivers

What are Pockels Cell Drivers?

A Pockels cell driver is an electronic device that controls a Pockels cell, an electro-optic component used in constructing modulators. It is a high-voltage regulated power supply, either pulsed or continuous, that controls the birefringence of an electro-optical crystal (such as KTP, KD*P, or BBO) to manipulate the polarization direction of the light passing through the crystal.

Pockels cells are electro-optic devices that utilize the Pockels effect, where the refractive index of certain crystal changes proportionally to an applied electric field. This change in refractive index alters the polarization state of light passing through the crystal, allowing precise modulation of the light. Pockels cells are integral to applications requiring fast modulation speeds and high repetition rates, such as Q-switched lasers, pulse pickers, and optical shutters.

Key Components of Pockels Cell Driver

  • Power Supply: Provides the necessary high voltage to the Pockels cell driver circuit.
  • Pulse Generator: Generates the electrical pulses that control the Pockels cell. These pulses need to be precisely timed and of the correct amplitude.
  • Amplifier: Amplifies the pulses from the pulse generator to the required voltage levels.
  • Switching Circuit: Rapidly switches the high voltage on and off in response to the pulses from the pulse generator.
  • Control Interface: Allows the user to set parameters such as pulse duration, repetition rate, and voltage levels.

The pockels cell driver begins its operation with a pulse generator, which generates low-voltage pulses precisely timed to meet specific operational requirements such as pulse duration and repetition rate. The low-voltage pulses generated by the pulse generator are fed into an amplifier. This amplifier boosts the voltage of the pulses to the high levels needed to activate the Pockels cell effectively. The amplified pulses are then directed to a high-voltage switching circuit. This circuit is designed to rapidly switch the high voltage on and off in sync with the pulse generator’s signals. The swift switching action of the high-voltage circuit creates an electric field across the Pockels cell, inducing birefringence in the electro-optic crystal. The induced birefringence changes the polarization state of light passing through the Pockels cell that allows for the precise modulation of light. Parameters such as pulse width and voltage levels can be adjusted via a control interface.

Role and Functionality of Pockels Cell Drivers

Pockels cell drivers are electronic devices designed to apply controlled high-voltage signals to Pockels cells, enabling them to function effectively. The primary roles of these drivers include:

  • High-Voltage Generation: Pockels cell drivers generate the high-voltage pulses necessary to induce the Pockels effect in the electro-optic crystal. These voltages typically range from a few hundred volts to several kilovolts.
  • Pulse Timing and Synchronization: Accurate timing control is crucial for applications like Q-switching, where the voltage pulse must be synchronized with the laser's optical cavity to achieve the desired modulation effect.
  • Waveform Shaping: Pockels cell drivers can shape the voltage waveform to optimize the modulation characteristics, affecting parameters such as rise time, fall time, and pulse duration.

Technical Specifications

Key technical specifications of Pockels cell drivers include:

  • Voltage Range and Precision: Drivers must provide a voltage range suitable for the specific Pockels cell and application. Precision in voltage delivery ensures consistent modulation performance.
  • Rise and Fall Times: Fast rise and fall times are essential for high-speed applications. These times dictate how quickly the voltage can be applied and removed, impacting the modulation speed.
  • Repetition Rate: The driver's ability to operate at high repetition rates without performance degradation is critical for applications like Q-switched lasers and pulse pickers.
  • Triggering Mechanisms: Pockels cell drivers often feature various triggering options, such as internal and external triggers, to facilitate integration into complex optical systems.

Applications of Pockels Cell Drivers

Pockels cell drivers are utilized in a wide range of applications, including:

  • Q-Switched Lasers: In Q-switched lasers, Pockels cell drivers control the timing of high-voltage pulses to rapidly switch the laser cavity's Q-factor, generating high-intensity laser pulses.
  • Pulse Pickers: Pulse pickers use Pockels cell drivers to selectively transmit specific pulses from a pulse train, enabling precise control over pulse sequences in experiments and industrial processes.
  • Optical Shutters: Pockels cell drivers can modulate the transmission of light in optical shutters, providing fast switching capabilities for applications such as camera systems and laser safety.

Gophotonics has listed Pockels Cell Drivers from the leading companies. Use the parametric search tool to find products based on your requirements.

Pockels Cell Driver Manufacturers



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Output Voltage Amplitude (kV)  


Supply Voltage(DC) (V)  


Trigger Voltage (V)  


Output Type 


Pulse Width (ns)  


Repetition Rate (kHz)  


Fall Time (ns)  


Rise Time (ns)  


Load Capacitance (pF)  
