Acousto-Optic Modulators

346 Acousto-Optic Modulators from 11 manufacturers listed on GoPhotonics

An Acousto-Optic Modulator (AOM) is an optical device that uses sound waves to modulate the intensity, frequency, or polarization of a laser beam. Acousto-Optic Modulators from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Download datasheets and request quotes for products that you find interesting. Your inquiry will be directed to the manufacturer and their distributors in your region.

Description: 257 nm - 364 nm, Acousto-Optic Modulators for Optical Computing Applications
Acousto-Optic Material:
Fused Silica
Fiber Type:
Free Space
Optical Wavelength:
257 to 364 nm
Center Frequency:
160 MHz
Diffraction Efficiency:
RF Power:
0.75 W
Rise Time:
22 ns
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Description: 1030 nm - 1064 nm, Acousto-Optic Modulator for Laser Intensity Control Applications
Acousto-Optic Material:
Quartz Crystal
Fiber Type:
Free Space
Optical Wavelength:
1030 to 1064 nm
Center Frequency:
80 MHz
Diffraction Efficiency:
Separation Angle:
14.9 mrad
RF Power:
15 W
Rise Time:
113 ns
Active Aperture:
2.0 mm
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Description: 380 nm to 1600 nm, Acousto-Optic Modulator for TTL/Digital Amplitude Modulation
Acousto-Optic Material:
Quartz Crystal
Fiber Type:
Fiber Coupled
Optical Wavelength:
380 to 1600 nm
Center Frequency:
200 MHz
Modulation Bandwidth:
25 MHz
RF Power:
23 dBm (Electric)
Rise Time:
20 ns
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Description: 780 nm - 870 nm, TeO2 Acousto-Optic Modulator for Q-Switching Applications
Acousto-Optic Material:
Tellurium Dioxide (TeO2)
Fiber Type:
Fiber Coupled
Optical Wavelength:
780 to 870 nm
Modulation Bandwidth:
80 MHz
RF Power:
1.8 W
Optical Power:
0.2 W
Rise Time:
6 ns
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Description: 1.3 µm Acousto-Optic Modulator for Optical Frequency Shifting Applications
Acousto-Optic Material:
AMTIR-1 Chalcogenide Glass
Fiber Type:
Fiber Coupled
Optical Wavelength:
1300 nm
Modulation Bandwidth:
7.5 MHz
RF Power:
0.5 W
Rise Time:
60 ns
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Description: 2.5 µm - 11 µm, Acousto-Optic Modulator for Crystal Growth & Optical Polishing Applications
Acousto-Optic Material:
Single Crystal Germanium
Fiber Type:
Free Space
Optical Wavelength:
2500 to 11000 nm
Center Frequency:
40 MHz
Acoustic Velocity:
5.5 mm / µsec
Diffraction Efficiency:
Separation Angle:
67.7 to 77.1 mrad
Bragg Angle:
33.9 to 38.6 mrad
RF Power:
55 to 75 W
Rise Time:
590 ns
Active Aperture:
7 x 14 mm
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Description: 1310 nm NIR Acousto-Optic Modulator for Pulse Picking & Fiber Laser Q-Switching Applications
Acousto-Optic Material:
Tellurium Dioxide (TeO2)
Fiber Type:
Fiber Coupled
Optical Wavelength:
1240 to 1380 nm
RF Power:
2.5 W
Optical Power:
0.5 W
Rise Time:
50 ns
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Description: 1064 nm Acousto-Optic Modulator for Medical & Scientific Applications
Acousto-Optic Material:
Tellurium Dioxide (TeO2)
Fiber Type:
Free Space
Optical Wavelength:
1064 nm
Center Frequency:
100 MHz
Active Aperture:
0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 mm
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Description: 1064 nm Fiber-Coupled Acousto Optic Modulator
Fiber Type:
Fiber Coupled
Optical Wavelength:
1064 nm
Center Frequency:
35 to 200 MHz
RF Power:
2 W
Optical Power:
5 W
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Acousto-Optic Material:
AMTIR-1 Chalcogenide Glass
Fiber Type:
Fiber Coupled
Optical Wavelength:
1550 nm
Center Frequency:
40 MHz
Rise Time:
260 ns
Active Aperture:
2 mm
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Description: 633 to 1550 nm Fiber-Coupled Acousto-Optic Modulators
Acousto-Optic Material:
Quartz Crystal, Tellurium Dioxide (TeO2)
Fiber Type:
Fiber Coupled
Optical Wavelength:
633 nm, 1064 nm, 1550 nm
Center Frequency:
80 to 200 MHz
RF Power:
2 W
Rise Time:
<6 to 45 ns
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Description: 257 nm - 532 nm, Acousto-Optic Modulator for Micromachining Applications
Acousto-Optic Material:
Fused Silica
Fiber Type:
Free Space
Optical Wavelength:
257 to 532 nm
Center Frequency:
100 MHz
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Description: 400 nm - 540 nm, Acousto-Optic Modulator for Material Processing Applications
Acousto-Optic Material:
Quartz Crystal
Fiber Type:
Free Space
Optical Wavelength:
400 to 540 nm
Center Frequency:
110 MHz
Diffraction Efficiency:
Separation Angle:
10.2 mrad
RF Power:
5 W
Rise Time:
113 ns
Active Aperture:
2.0 mm
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Description: 1000 to 2500 nm Fiber Coupled Acousto-Optic Modulator for TTL - Digital Amplitude Modulation, Telecommunications and Spectroscopy
Acousto-Optic Material:
Quartz Crystal
Fiber Type:
Fiber Coupled
Optical Wavelength:
1000 to 2500 nm
Center Frequency:
100 MHz
Modulation Bandwidth:
20 MHz
RF Power:
23 dBm (Electric)
Rise Time:
25 ns
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Description: Fiber Coupled AO Fiber Pigtailed Modulator/Shifter from 10600 nm
Acousto-Optic Material:
Fiber Type:
Fiber Coupled
Optical Wavelength:
10600 nm
Diffraction Efficiency:
RF Power:
1 to 20 W
Rise Time:
120 ns
Active Aperture:
8 x 10 mm2
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1 - 15 of 346 Acousto-Optic Modulators

What is an Acousto-Optic Modulator?

An Acousto-Optic Modulator (AOM) is a device that uses sound waves to control the transmission of light through a material. It is an intensity modulator that works on the principle of the acousto-optic effect i.e. when an acoustic wave is applied to a crystal or glass material, a change in the refractive index of the material is caused. This change in the refractive index causes a change in the direction and intensity of the light passing through the material. 

Working of an Acousto-Optic Modulator

Figure 1: Internal diagram of an acousto-optic modulator

In AOM, a piezoelectric transducer is attached inside the acousto optic modulator that produces sound waves in a material like glass or quartz. When a radio frequency (RF) drive signal is applied to the transducer, an acoustic wave or sound wave is generated. The AOM transducer stimulates a sound wave with an order of frequency up to 100 MHz, acoustic wavelengths of 10 μm -100 μm, and acoustic power of the order of 1 W - 10 W. These sound waves create periodic planes of compression and rarefaction that change the index of refraction as shown in figure 2. As a result, the incoming light beam is diffracted into a number of orders at the output. An absorber is used at the opposite end of the transducer to direct all the acoustic waves toward the absorbing surface. The absorber prevents reflections that create secondary waves. A typical working of an AOM is shown in figure 1 where the transducer produces a sound wave and the light ray is partly diffracted.

An AOM, also known as bragg cell operates under Bragg’s condition i.e. the incident light comes at a Bragg angle from the direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the sound wave. Diffraction orders of -1 (low intensity), 0 (no change in light intensity), and +1 (high intensity) are obtained when there is an occurrence of diffraction from a sinusoidal modulation in a thin crystal. 

The diffracted beam is shifted in frequency with the incident laser beam by an amount equal to RF frequency. If f is the RF frequency and fL is the laser frequency, then the diffracted light beam has frequencies fL+f or fL-f and this frequency shift depends upon the orientation of the acousto optic modulator.

Most AOMs operate in the Bragg condition, where there is a significant diffraction efficiency for the first order diffraction and hardly any diffraction into other orders. Therefore, the deflection is typically in the range of tens of milliradians.

Parameters of an Acousto Optic Modulator

  • A typical AOM has an aperture size, of millimeters. It has rise time, which denotes the overall speed of the device. This is the amount of time required for a signal to change to full power. 
  • An AOM has insertion loss, which signifies the loss caused by the insertion of an optical component. 
  • The insertion modulation bandwidth is an important specification of AOM sometimes called tuning bandwidth or video bandwidth is the input (sinewave) modulation frequency at which frequency deviation reduces to -3 dB of its direct current (DC) value.

AOMs are generally rack-mounted and have a fiber pigtail attached and the devices attached to them are self-supporting (does require an additional system) and reserve the incoming signal polarization.

A continuously varying amplitude modulation signal and pulsed digital amplitude modulation signal carried by a traveling acoustic wave is shown in figure 2.

Figure 2: (a) Continuously varying amplitude modulation signal and (b) pulsed digital amplitude modulation signal

Applications of Acousto-Optic Modulator

One of the most common applications of acousto optic modulators is laser frequency modulation. Acousto optic modulators can be used to rapidly and accurately modulate the frequency of a laser beam. This is useful in many applications, such as in laser spectroscopy, where precise control over the frequency of the laser is essential. They are also used to create frequency combs, which are used in a wide range of applications, including precision metrology, telecommunications, and high-speed data transmission.

Another important application of acousto optic modulators is in laser beam steering. They can be used to deflect laser beams in a controlled manner, which is useful in applications such as laser machining and material processing, where precise control over the position of the laser beam is essential. They are also used in laser scanning microscopy, where they are used to rapidly scan the laser beam across a sample.

Acousto optic modulators are used in optical signal processing applications. They can be used to modulate the intensity and phase of optical signals, which is useful in applications such as optical communications, where precise control over the signal properties is essential. AOMs can also be used in optical switching and routing applications, where they are used to direct optical signals to specific locations.

They are also used in acousto-optic imaging, a technique that combines ultrasound and optical imaging to produce high-resolution images of biological tissues. In acousto-optic imaging, an ultrasound wave is used to generate a small displacement in the tissue, which is then detected by an optical probe. AOMs are used to modulate the optical signal, which allows for precise control over the depth of the image and the resolution.

These modulators are also used in optical trapping and manipulation applications, where they are used to create optical tweezers that can trap and manipulate small particles, such as cells and bacteria. In optical trapping, a tightly focused laser beam is used to trap a particle, while an AOM is used to modulate the intensity and phase of the laser beam, which allows for precise control over the position and movement of the particle.

Acousto optic modulators are also used in a variety of applications like laser printers, video recorders, and video projection systems. They are used in lasers for Q-switching i.e, to vary and control laser beam intensity. 

Gophotonics has listed Acousto-Optic Modulators from the leading companies. Use the parametric search tool to find products based on your requirements.

Acousto-Optic Modulator Manufacturers



Manufacturers from 

Fiber Type 

Optical Wavelength (nm)  


Center Frequency (MHz)  


Modulation Bandwidth (MHz)  


Rise Time (ns)  


Diffraction Efficiency (%)  


RF Power (W)  


Optical Power (W)  
