The Inspire Auto 50 from Radiantis is a Femtosecond IR Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) that has a tuning range of 490 nm - 750 nm (signal), 690 nm - 1040 nm (Depleted fundamental) and 930 nm - 2500 nm (Idler). It delivers an average output power of 350 mW (signal), 1100 mW (depleted fundamental), and 170 mW (Idler). This OPO has a pulse width of 100 fs - 250 fs (signal), up to 140 fs (depleted fundamental), and 80 fs - 250 fs (Idler). It has horizontal polarization (for signal & Idler) and vertical polarization (for SHG).
The Inspire Auto 50 has a wavelength stability of less than 0.5 nm and noise below 1% rms. It is a fully-automated computer-controlled tuning & self-calibration and integrated Second Harmonic Generation Unit for doubling the un-depleted pump. This OPO is available in a module that measures 95.4 (W) cm x 36 (L) cm x 23.3 (H) cm and is ideal for Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) & Raman Microscopy, plasmonics, pump-probe experiments, single-molecule spectroscopy, time-resolved spectroscopy applications.