The AT-BBLF-0067-1815C from AT Microwave is an Optical Modulator Driver that operates from 50 kHz to 67 GHz. It provides an output power of 12-17 dBm with a small signal gain of 18 dB. This amplifier can handle an RF input power of 4 dBm and has a noise figure of 6 dB with a return loss of -10 dB (input) & -5 dB (output). It requires a single DC supply of 8 V and consumes 220 mA of current. This amplifier can be used both as a power amplifier or a low noise amplifier. 
The AT-BBLF-0067-1815C is available in an epoxy sealed copper casing with a gold plated finish that measures 100 x 30 x 9.5 mm with 1.85 Female/Male connectors. It is ideal for 5G communication, test equipment and ROF (RF over fiber) applications.