The FML-15-PM-M from Optilab is a Femtosecond Mode-Locked Laser (FML) that operates at a wavelength of 1550 nm - 1560 nm. It delivers an output power of up to 30 mW and has a spectral bandwidth of 20 nm - 25 nm. This polarisation mode laser has a pulse duration of 300 fs - 600 fs, polarization extinction ratio of 20 dB, and pulse repetition rate of 20 MHz - 40 MHz. It produces a near transform-limited pulse beam with a 20 dB pedestal and has an integrated Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) that delivers an output power of 15 dBm.
The FML-15-PM-M has a unique saturable absorber for passive mode locking, user- friendly front panel, control knob for adjusting the output power, and an electrical clock output for external trigger. It can be controlled via an RS-232 interface and supports FC/APC connectors. This laser requires an AC supply voltage of 110 V - 240 V and is available in a compact module that measures 155 mm x 317 mm x 33 mm. It is ideal for supercontinuum generation, telecom components characterization, precision frequency measurement, optical high speed sampling, terahertz radiation, optical switching, materials characterization, optical metrology applications.