New Photonics Products this Week |
1528 nm - 1567 nm, Full C Band Tunable Laser for Sensing Applications |
from Wavelength References
The ClarityPlus Series from Wavelength References is a Precision Frequency Standard Full C Band Tunable Laser that operates at a wavelength of 1528 nm - 1567 nm. It delivers an output power of 10 dBm and has a wavelength accuracy of ± 1 pm. This laser is ideal for sensing, test bed for optical communications, general-purpose bench laser & coherent communication applications. |
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3345 nm DFB Laser Diode for High-Precision Gas Detection Applications |
Laser Diode
from nanoplus
The DFB: High-Power 3345 nm from nanoplus is a DFB Laser Diode that operates at a wavelength of 3345 nm. It delivers an output power of 40 mW and has a linewidth below 3 MHz. This continuous wave laser diode requires a threshold current of 25 mA and DC supply voltage of 5 V. It has a side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) above 35 dB and is ideal for high-precision gas detection applications. |
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20 Megapixel Machine Vision Lens |
Optical Lens
from Computar Optics Group
The V2556-MPZ-R from Computar Optics Group is a 20 Megapixel Machine Vision Lens that has a focal length of 25 mm. It has a 1” optical format and an f-number of F5.6. This lens has a minimum object distance of 0.1 m and is anti-vibration (10G) & anti-shock (15G) resistant. It supports full HD format and has a manual iris. This lens is available in a ruggedised, compact & lightweight C-mount package. |
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2.2 mm Optical Lens for Medical Applications |
Optical Lens
from VY Optoelectronics
The Y_P22C3C1601-2 from VY Optoelectronics is an Optical Lens that has a focal length of 2.2 mm. It has a back focal length (BFL) of 17.53 mm and is available in a 1.2" or 1/1.8" optical format. This lens has a (D/f') of 2.8 - 1.6 and modulation transfer function (MTF) of 10 megapixels. It has a view angle of 178 deg and minimum object distance (MOD) of 0.005 m. This lens has a W/Lock iris and is ideal food, automobile, and medical industrial applications. |
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1.5 THz Quarter Waveplate for Generation of Circular Polarization |
from Anteral
The QWP-25 from Anteral is a Quarter Waveplate that has a frequency band of up to 1.5 THz. It has a gap width of 5 μm and strip width of 10 μm. This waveplate has a clear aperture of 23.9 mm and transmission loss below 1 dB. It has a patterned Cu-Au micro grid array of strips on the topside & continuous conductor on the backside and is ideal for the generation of circular polarization. |
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1064 nm Zero Order Polymer Waveplate |
from Edmund Optics
The 49-216 from Edmund Optics is a Polymer Waveplate that has a design wavelength of 1064 nm. It has a diameter of 25.4 mm and clear aperture of 10.16 mm. This waveplate has a retardance of lambda/2 with a retardance tolerance of lambda/350 and retardance order of zero. It has a polymer film on N-BK7 substrate and reflection of 0.5%. This waveplate has a surface quality of 40 - 20 and beam deviation of 1 arcmin. |
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1064 nm Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Pockels Cell |
Pockels Cell
from Qioptiq Photonics
The 84503009000 | LM 16 SG from Qioptiq Photonics is a KD*P Pockels Cell that operates at a wavelength of 1064 nm. It has an optical transmission of 98% and a clear aperture of diameter 15 mm. This pockels cell has a quarter wave DC voltage of 3.4 kV, capacitance of 10 pF and crystal deuteration of 98%. It has an extinction ratio above 3000:1 and a LIDT of over 2 GW/cm2 (at 1064 nm). |
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257 nm Crystalline Quartz Acousto-Optic Modulator |
Acousto-Optic Modulator
from G&H
The AOMO 3200-1220 from G&H is an Acousto-Optic Modulator (AOM) that operates at a wavelength of 257 nm. It has a center frequency of 200 MHz and an active aperture of 2.5 (L) mm x 0.25 (H) mm. This AOM has a rise/fall time of 10 ns and an acoustic velocity of 5.74 mm/μs. It has an RF bandwidth of 100 MHz (at -5 dB return loss) and input impedance of 50 ohms. This AOM has a voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of 1.5:1 and an insertion loss of up to 5%. |
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380 nm - 1600 nm, Acousto-Optic Modulator for Spectroscopy Applications |
Acousto-Optic Modulator
from Brimrose Corporation
The TEM-110-10-55-2FP from Brimrose Corporation is an Acousto-Optic Modulator that operates at a wavelength of 380 nm - 1600 nm. It has a center frequency of 110 MHz and modulation bandwidth of 10 MHz. This fiber-coupled AOM has a rise time of 55 ns and an insertion loss of less than 2.5 dB. It is ideal for pulse picking, q-switching, spectroscopy, fiber lasers and OEM design applications. |
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White Light Interferometer for Industrial Distance Measurement Applications |
from Micro-Epsilon
The IMS5400-DS from Micro-Epsilon is a White Light Interferometer that can measure a thickness of 0.01 mm - 1.3 mm. It has a resolution of less than 1 nm and continuously adjustable rate from 100 Hz to 6 kHz. This interferometer has a NIR-SLED light source of wavelength 840 nm and pilot laser of 635 nm. It has a linearity of up to ± 50 nm and is ideal for industrial distance measurement applications. |
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785 nm Portable Raman Spectrometer for SERS Applications |
from Zolix Instruments
The FI785-Lite-W from Zolix Instruments is a Portable Raman Spectrometer that operates at a wavelength of 785 nm. It has a spectral range of 200 cm-1 - 2750 cm-1 and an optical resolution of 8 cm-1 - 12 cm-1. This spectrometer has a laser linewidth of up to 0.1 nm and maximum laser power of 350 mW. It is ideal for SERS, food & pharmaceutical fast inspection, and Materials Science applications. |
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0.1 THz - 2.5 THz, Terahertz Spectrometers for NDT Applications |
from HÜBNER Photonics
The T-SPECTRALYZER F from HÜBNER Photonics is a Terahertz Spectrometer that operates from 0.1 to 2.5 THz. It has a minimum dynamic range of 54 dB (at 0.5 THz), a frequency resolution of 10 GHz, and a standard measurement time of 5 seconds. The spectrometer has a beam diameter of 1.5 mm and a standard sample scan range of 200 x 200 m2. It is ideal for non-destructive testing, terahertz time domain spectroscopy, and analysis applications. |
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