The e18.1350940105 from nLIGHT Corporation is a Single-Emitter Laser Diode that operates at a wavelength of 940 nm. It delivers continuous wave output powers of 130 W & 135 W (fiber) and has a spectral width of 4 nm. It has a minimum back reflection isolation of 15 dB and an electrical-to-optical efficiency of 40%. This fiber-coupled laser diode has a fiber length of 2 m, diameter of 105 or 125 µm, and numerical aperture of 0.22. It requires a threshold current of 0.5 A, DC voltage of 24.3 V, and consumes 14 A of current. This laser diode has a 900 um Hytrel loose tube buffer fiber jacketing and FPT fiber termination. It is available in a package that measures 97 mm x 76 mm x 14 mm and is ideal for fiber laser pumping, solid-state laser pumping, and direct diode material processing applications.